Every 2:00 x 6 Sets:
-Squat Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
“Get A Grip, Man”
AMRAP 8:00
-8 Hang Clean & Jerk 105/75lb
-8 Toes-to-Bar
*compare to 2.13.24
Accumulate 12 Turkish Get-Ups
[16:00 Clock]
Hanging Gymnastics Practice
*At 4,8,12,16:00 complete…
-6 Deadlifts; start light, end at wko wt
“Mirror Mirror”
AMRAP 6:00
-90 Double Under
-6 Deadlift 335/215lb
-3 Rope Climbs 12ft
(rest 1:00)
For Time (6:00 Cap)
*match score from part 1
Back Squat (5 x 3)
*go every 2:30
*start RPE 7, end RPE 8.5-9
“Double Decker”
(Partner WOD – Split Work)
For Time (17:00 Cap)
-40 Burpee Box Get Over 40″
-80 DB Hang Snatch 70/50lb
-80 Wall Ball 30/20lb, 10/9ft
-40 Burpee Box Get Over 40″
7:30 AirBike
7:30 Row
4 Sets; for Quality
-8-10 DB Bent Over Row / arm
-8-10 Deficit Push-Ups
4 Sets; for Quality
-13-16 V-Ups
-13-16 Oblique Side Bend
7:30 Row
7:30 AirBike
EMOM 15:00
1) 1 Push Press + 2 Jerks; build to max
2) 2-4 Strict Pull-Ups* / Lat Pull Down
3) 4 Box Clear Overs; tough height
*weight or assist as needed to make appropriately challenging
“Resting L-Sit Face”
4 Rounds
[2:00 On, 1:00 Off]
-20s L-Sit (scale to Tuck Hold)
-50ft Kettlebell Lunge* 53/35’s
-Max Length Farmer’s Carry** 53/35’s
*hold it however
**50ft = 1 Rep
(only FC reps are scored)
*compare to 2.2.24
(Open Gym Workout)
For Time (25:00 Cap)
-Calorie AirBike
-DB Hang Clean & Jerk 50/35lb
*switch hands every 5 reps on the DB
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.