Every 1:30 x 8 Sets:
-2 Squat Snatch; reset b/t
-6 Bar Hops
*form-focused & moderate across
“Mojo Jojo”
20 Rounds for Time (20:00 Cap)
(Alternate Full Rounds with Partner)
-4 Burpee Bar Pull Over*
-40 Double Unders
-4 Overhead Squat 135/95lb
*scale to burpee chest-to-bar
*see bar pull overs
[12:00 Clock]
Inversion Skill Practice
*At 0,4,8,12:00 complete:
-8/8 DB 3pt Row; all heavy
Every 2:30 x 6 Sets:
-4 Deadstop Deadlift; 2s lower
-20s Max Pulling Reps*
*lvl 1: ring row @ tough angle
*lvl 2: feet-elevated rope pull-to-stand
*lvl 3: legless rope climb
*lvl 4: pegboard
EMOM 4:00 – for Total Reps
1) Max Pogo Burpee
2) Max Calorie Row
Front Squat (4 x 3)
*go every 2:00
*start RPE 7, end RPE 8.5-9
For Time (10:00 Cap)
-20/15 Calorie AirBike
-20 Single DB Step-Up 24/20″ 50/35lb
-20/15 Calorie AirBike
-20 Single DB Lunges 50/35lb
-20/15 Calorie AirBike
For Time (10:00 Cap)
-30 Wall Ball 20/14lb, 10/9ft
-10 Shuttle Run (2x25ft=1)
-30 DB Ground-to-Overhead 50/35lb
-10 Shuttle Run (2x25ft=1)
-30 Medball Step-Up 20/14lb, 24/20″
3 Sets:
6:00 Row
*walk 60s b/t; as rest
*conversational pace
A. BB Upright Row (3 x 6-12) 20/15kg
B. Ring Support Hold (4 x 10-20s)
*scale to parallel bars
C. Concentration Curls (3 x 8-10ea)
D. DB Bench Press (6,8,12,15)
*same wt for all
E. Accumulate 50-75 Sit-Ups
*athlete’s choice
EMOM 10:00
1) 8-12 Feet-Elevated Ring Row
2) 8-12 Parallette Push-Up*
*exaggerate depth
*elevate feet to level of hands
EMOM 10:00
1) Max Handstand Hold* (30s Cap)
2) Max Tuck Hold or L-Sit (30s Cap)
*lvl 1: At Half Wall Walk
*lvl 2: Heels-to-Wall
*lvl 3: Toggling Off the Wall
*lvl 4: Freestanding In 4x6ft Box
“Chef’s Kiss”
6 Rounds for Time (6:00 Cap)
-3 DB Cluster 50/35’s
-6 Box Jump 24/20″
*Rx+ = 70/50’s, 30/24″
(Open Gym Workout)
View Demo Video
“Just Do The Thing.”
For Time
5 Rounds
-6 Strict Ring Pull-Ups
-6 Overhead Squats 165/115lb
5 Rounds
-12 Overhead Squats 95/65lb
-12 Handstand Push-Up
Hand-Release Deadlift:
Build to Heavy Triple
(5-7 Building Sets)
3-4 Rounds
-8-10 DB Pull Over
-20-30s Side Plank / side
-12-15 DB Lateral Raise
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.