[15:00 Clock]
-5 Strict Knees-to-Elbows
-1 Turkish Getup / Arm
-5 Bottom Half Burpee
-15s Handstand Hold*
*build to your toughest variation
Every 2:00 x 6 Sets: Bella Complex
-Clean + Jerk + Front Squat + Jerk
“Widow Maker”
5:00 Max Bar-Facing Burpees
*compare to 1.22.24
[12:00 Clock]
Jump Rope Skill Practice
*every 2:00 (-0:00 & 12:00):
-3-8 Strict Pull-Ups
(make each set tough but repeatable)
“White Noise”
3 Rounds
-1:00 Row
-1:00 Toes-to-Bar
-1:00 AirBike
-1:00 V-Up
3 Rounds
-1:00 Row
-1:00 KB Swing 53/35lb
-1:00 AirBike
-1:00 Air Squat
*Rx+ = wear a vest (pt.2 only)
Back Squat (5,3,1 | 5,3,1)
*go every 2:00
*wave 1: moderate
*wave 2: heavy
*learn more about wave loading
For Time (14:00 Cap)
-50 DB Box Step Over 50/35lb, 20″
-50 Shuttle Run (25ft=1)
-50 Lunging Wall Ball 20/14lb, 10/9ft
-50 Shuttle Run (25ft=1)
3-4 Sets:
-10-12 Calf Raise; Off Plate
-10-12 Tib Raise; Back-to-Wall
Every 6:00 x 8 Sets:
Odd Sets: 4:00 of Choice Cyclical
Even Sets: Complete the following
*set 2: EMOM 4:00: 30s Alt DB Curl & Press
*set 4: EMOM 4:00: 30s Banded Russian KB Swings
*set 6: EMOM 4:00: 30s Medball Russian Twists
*set 8: EMOM 4:00: 30s Banded Hip Thrust
Strict Press; Build to Heavy 5
Push Press: Build to Heavy 3
Push Jerk: Build to Heavy 1
*compare to 3.4.23
For Time // 40-20-10
-Ring Row*
-Hand-Release Push-Up
-Switch Lunges
*rx = heels past anchor point of rings
*compare to 2.9.24
(Open Gym Workout)
View Demo Video
Every 3:00 x 3 Sets:
-4 Shuttle Run (2x25ft=1)
-4 PC + PJ*
*build each set: ~70-75-80%
Back Squat (5 x 3)
*start at RPE 7 and build to tough triple (RPE 9)
“Iron Cross”
AMRAP 12:00
3, 6, 9, 12…
-Strict HSPU
-Deadlifts 275/185lb
*30 crossovers after each round
5 Sets: for Load
-5 Single Arm Lat Pull Down / side
-8 Alternating DB Bench Press*
*hold in lockout, lowering one side at a time
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.