4-5 Sets:
-Alt FFE Split Squat x 8-10/leg
-15 Russian Kettlebell Swing
-1 Turkish Getup / side – heavy
*Relay Style with 2 ppl*
Every 2:00 x 4 Sets:
-10-15 Deficit SDL @ 20×1
-5 Tall Box Jumps
Every 5:00 x 4 Rounds:
-24/20 Calorie Row (sc: 20/16)
-12 Dual DB Thrusters
-10 Burpee Over KBs
*DBs 50/35 (sc: 40/25)
E90s x 7 sets:
Single Arm: 5 rows, 5 cleans, 5 thrusters
…immediately into other side
EMOM 18:00
1) 8-12 Bench Press
2) 8-12 Pull-Ups / Ring Rows
3) 8-12 Lunges
AMRAP 16:00
Calories on the Bike / Rower
*every 2:00 (including 0:00): 4 Devil’s Press
(30s On, 30s Off)
-KB Leg Lift Over
-KB Walk Over
-Forearm Plank Tap
-Pull Through
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.