4 Rounds Not for Time
-20 Gorilla Row
-6 Overhead Squat / side
-8-12 Single Leg RDL @ 31×1
5 Rounds – Continuous (27:00)
A) 1:00 Max Shuttle Sprints
B) 1:00 Max KB Swings
C) 1:00 Max Row / Bike
D) 1:00 Max Push-Ups
*rest 0:20 after each station
4 Sets:
-12 Contralateral Strict press
-10 Farmer’s Lunges
-8 Inchworm to Push-Up
3 Sets: (rest 1:00 b/t)
AMRAP 3:00
-8/8 KB Snatch
-10/8 Calorie Row
-8 Burpee over Rower
rest 3:00
3 Sets: (rest 1:00 b/t)
AMRAP 3:00
-8/8 Single Arm Overhead Lunge
-10/8 Calorie AirBike
-8 Burpee over Kettlebell
Core Cash Out: Time Permitting
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.