Every 30s x 3 Rounds
1) AirBike
2) High Plank, Up-Dog to Down-Dog, Push-Up to Alt Toe-Touch
3) Row
4) Russian Swing, RDL, American Swing
EMOM 8:00
1) 20s Max Gorilla Rows
2) 20s Max DB Bench Press
…immediately into…
EMOM 8:00
1) 20s Max Pull-Ups (or) Ring Row
2) 20s Max Dual KB Hang Clean & Jerk
2 Rounds (16:00)
AMRAP 3:00
-12 KB Russian Twist (L+R=1)
-12 Calorie Row
-12 Rower Rail Hops
(Rest 1:00)
AMRAP 3:00
-12 Alt Single Leg V-Ups
-12 Alt Goblet Box Step-Up 20″
-12 AirBike Calories
(Rest 1:00)
Every 30s x 4 Rounds:
1) 30s Banded Face Pull
2) 30s Single KB RDL
3) 30s Rest
*perform both @ controlled tempo
2-3 Sets:
-KB Swing; Alternating
-Floor / Bottoms Up Clean
-Push Press; Slow Lower
-Good Morning
-1 1/4 Squat
AMRAP 9:00
-6-8 Bottoms Up Press / side
-6-8 Single Leg Squat / side
-10 KB Plank Pass / side
-30s Wall Sit; Weighted
Every 2:00 x 5 Sets:
-6 Horn Grip Row
-5 Russian KB Swing
-4 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
-6 Horn Grip Row
*use a challenging weight
Every 4:00 x 5 Sets:
2 Rounds
-6 Burpee over KBs
-5 Deadlift
-4 Hang Power Clean
-3 Front Rack Squat
-2 Thruster
-1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.