Every 2:00 x 6 Sets: 3 Touch-N-Go Power Snatch
“Simply Machines”
AMRAP 7:00
-Power Clean*
*use heaviest snatch load
*compare to 7.24.23
AMRAP 3:00: Alt DB Hammer Curls
[12:00 Clock]
Jump Rope Skill Practice
*every 2:00 (-0:00 & 12:00):
-20s Max V-Ups
“Al Dente”
For Time: 100 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead
(2:00 On, 1:00 Off)
-9 Shuttle Run (25ft=1)
-9 Line-Facing Burpee
-9 Shuttle Run (25ft=1)
-Max DB STO 50/35’s
*Rx+ = 70/50’s
**Cap of 5 Rounds**
Front Squat (5 x 5)
*go every 2:30
*start RPE 7, end RPE 8.5-9
“Locked In”
For Time
-30 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge* 53/35’s
-15 Bar Muscle-Up
-60 KB Front Squat* 53/35’s
-15 Bar Muscle-Up
-30 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge* 53/35’s
*fingers must stay interlocked in front rack
**scale BMU to strict pull-ups
(Time Caps: 8:00 for Squats & 14:00 to Finish)
10 Rounds
(2:00 On, 1:00 Off)
1) 20/15 Calorie AirBike + Max Calorie Row
2) 20/15 Calorie Row + Max Calorie AirBike
*score is total calories, including buy-in
[20:00 Clock]
-6/6 Landmine Rotations
-10 GHD Sit-Ups
-8/8 Torso Rotations; Medball + Band
-10 Bottom Half Burpees
-10 Hand-Release Push-Ups
Every 2:15 x 7 Sets:
-2,2,2,1,1,1,1 Jerk; from the rack
-7-10 Feet Elevated Ring Row
-7-10 Air Squats
“Butternut Squash”
For Time (15:00 Cap)
-150 Double Unders
-15 Squat Clean & Jerk*
-150 Double Unders
-55 Deadlift; same load
*use 80% of top single from strength
(Open Gym Workout)
For Time (16:00 Cap)
2 Rounds
-40 Air Squat
-30 Chest-to-Bar
-20 Handstand Push-Up
2 Rounds
-20 Alternating Pistols
-15 Strict Handstand Push-Up
-10 Bar Muscle-Up
In Remaining Time: Max Distance Handstand Walk
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.