Every 2:30 x 8 Sets:
-1 Clean & Jerk; building to 1RM
-50 Double Unders*
*or (a) 50 single unders, (b) 60s of Attempts
[At 0:00] For Time
-12 Calorie Row
-12 Lateral Burpee over Bar
-12 Power Clean* 135/95lb
[At 5:00]
-12 Power Clean 135/95lb
-12 Lateral Burpee over Bar
-12 Calorie Row
*scale to a weight you can completed unbroken
Every 3:00 x 10 Sets:
-5 Deadlift 225/155lb
-10 Russian KB Swings 70/53lb
-Max Row Calories, Until 1:30 Mark
*pick weights that allow you to stay unbroken for all 10 sets
(compare against 11.30.22)
Tabata Russian Twists
Every 30s x 8 Sets: 1 Snatch; moderate
Every 60s x 6 Sets: 1 Snatch; moderately heavy
Every 90s x 4 Sets: 1 Snatch; heavy
EMOM 10 (practice)
1) 10-15s of Choice Hanging Gymnastics
2) 10-15s of Choice Inverted Gymnastics
“Misery Whip”
AMRAP 3:00
-10 Thrusters 95/65lb
-10 Pull-Ups
-15 Thrusters 95/65lb
-15 Chest-to-Bar
-20 Thrusters 95/65lb
-20 Bar Muscle-Up
(A) AMRAP 10:00 @ 70% Effort
-10 Calorie Row
-4…6…8… Bodyweight Lunges
(B) AMRAP 10:00 @ 50% Effort
-8 Barbell Glute Bridge; 115/85lb
-20 Seated Banded Hamstring Curls
-20 Banded Face Pulls
-5 KB Strict Press / arm; moderate
(C) AMRAP 10:00 @ 70% Effort
-10 Calorie AirBike
-4…6…8… Alternating Step-Up
(D) AMRAP 10:00 @ 50% Effort
-15s GHD Sit-Up Hold at Parallel
-30s Side Plank Hold (split)
-15s Supinated Active Hang
-30 Single Unders
*pick a station to start at and rotate through in order
Every 2:00 x 6 Sets:
-X Front Squat*
*5,4,3,2,1,1 – building to 1RM
Open Workout 19.1
AMRAP 15:00
-19 Wall Ball
-19 Calorie Row*
*sub 16/13 calorie airbike – rowers are first come, first serve on a per round basis
“Mt. Everest”
Partner WOD (Split Work as Desired)
-200 Step-Ups 24/20″
-20 Rope Climbs**
-200 Step-Ups 24/20″
*if able, complete in weighted vest or pack
**scale to 40 rope pull-to-stand
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-50 Banded External Shoulder Rotations / arm
-2:00 FLR Hold on Low Rings
-10 TGU / arm; moderate
-100 Seated Banded Hamstring Curls
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movement which are appropriate for you, allowing your to maximizing your workout and long-term progress.