EMOM 8: 25s Max Double Unders
Station A | 10:00 @ 60% Effort
-6 Ring Rows
-8 Calorie Row
-10m Crab Walk
(Rest 2:00)
Station B | 10:00 @ 60% Effort
-150m Run
-6 Up-Downs
-12 Double DB RDL; light
(Rest 2:00)
Station C | 10:00 @ 60% Effort
-Choice: AirBike, BikeErg, SkiErg
Every 2:30 x 6 Sets:
-3 Front Squats
AMRAP 10:00
-4 Burpee Box Step-Up 24/20″
-6 Kettlebell Swing 70/53lb
-12/9 Calorie Erg
E90s x 6 Sets:
1) 4-6 Chest-to-Bar*
2) 4-6 sHSPU**
*Rx+: 2-4 Bar Muscle-Up
**Scale: Seated DB Press
AMRAP 14:00
-13 AbMat Sit-Ups
-8 Box Jump, Step Down 24/20″
-3 Wall Walk
[10:00 Clock]
Squat Clean: Build to Heavy Double
*drop & reset b/w
1) 20s Max Thrusters @ 55-60% of Today’s Strength
2) 20s Max DB Snatch 50/35lb
3) 20s Max Calorie AirBike
AMRAP 30:00 @ 60% Effort
-15 Calorie Bike
-15 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull 35/26lb
-15m Bear Crawl
-15 Calorie Row
-30s Sorenson Hold
-30s Bar Hang
3 Rounds – for Quality
-12 Banded Crossover Reverse Fly
-12 Hollow Rocks
-15s Side Plank Hold / side
For Time
50 Toes-to-Bar
-600-450-300-150m Run
*8 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead 70/50lb
*100ft DB Goblet Carry 70/50lb
*after each round of running
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-50 Tabletop Glute Bridge
-40 Up-Downs
-3 Mile Echo Bike
-2:00 Dead Hang