[5:00 Clock]
Find a Max Set of Double Unders
Every 2:00 x 4 Sets:
-1.1.1 Power Clean & Push Jerk
“Paul Bunyan”
10 Rounds for Time
-160m Run
-3 Clean & Jerk 185/125lb
Every 3:00 x 5 Sets:
-7 Back Squat @ 67-70%
-7 DB Strict Press @ RPE 7
EMOM 8: Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat
*perform at form-focused loading (~50%)
AMRAP 5:00
-5 Deadlift 275/175lb
-5 Devil’s Press 50/35lb
*scale as needed to keep unbroken on short rest
1) 8 DB Bent Row (L)
2) 8 DB Bent Row (R)
For Time
-12-15-18 Wall Ball 20/14lb, 10/9ft
-12-15-18 Ring Row*
-3-3-3 Wall Walk**
*Rx = Bottom of Ring at Belly Button
**Rx+ = 5ft Handstand Walk per Rep (15ft / Rd)
Station 1 [10:00 Clock]
-8 Calorie Row
-8 Up-Downs
Station 2 [10:00 Clock]
-150m Run
-150 Single Unders
Station 3 [10:00 Clock]
-10 Calorie AirBike
-10 Air Squats; 4s lower
*your 1st station @ 50% Effort
*your 2nd station @ 60% Effort
*your 3rd station @ 70% Effort
(1:00 rest b/w stations)
[15:00 Clock]
-15s Dead Hang
-15 Band Pull Apart
-20s Seated Biceps Stretch
-12 Banded Good Morning
-20s Supine Hamstring Stretch / side
-5 Single Arm Squat Therapy / side
-20s Upright Squat Hold with Rig-Support
AMRAP 10:00
-12 DB Box Step-Over 24/20″ 50/35lb
-12 DB Snatch 50/35lb
-12 Box Jump 24/20″
EMOM 10: Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squat @ Form-Focused Loading
Every 90s x 5: 2 Snatch High Pulls
*perform above your snatch 1RM (~110%)
“Crawl 4 Candy”
Team of 3 Workout
For Time
-200ft Walking Lunge (All)
-4mi AirBike; split as desired
-200ft Bear Crawl (All)
-2000m Row; split as desired
*a team member who finishes the lunge or crawl first can begin work on an erg while teammates are still working
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-60 Cossack Squats
-50 Calorie SkiErg
-40 Hollow Rocks
-30 Parallel Bar Dips*
*assist with band as needed
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movement which are appropriate for you, allowing your to maximizing your workout and long-term progress.