Every 3:00 x 5 Sets:
-5 Overhead Squat*
-5 Strict Pull-Ups**
*build – but start & end form-focused
**weight or assist
“Total BS”
5 Rounds (1:30 On, 1:30 Off)
-10 DB Box Step-Over 20″ – 70/50lb
-50 Double Unders
-Max Back Squats* 185/125lb
*score total total bs
Every 3:00 x 10 Sets:
-5 Deadlift 225/155lb
-10 Russian KB Swings 70/53lb
-Max Row Calories, Until 1:30 Mark
*pick weights that allow you to stay unbroken for all 10 sets
(compare to 11.30.22 & 1.31.23)
Tabata Russian Twists
Every 2:00 x 7 Sets:
-X Strict Pulling Reps
*Lvl 1: 7-10 Rope Row @ Tough Angle
*Lvl 2: 4-6 Neutral Grip Lat Pull Down
*Lvl 3: 2-3 Staggered Grip Pull-Up on Climbing Rope / side
*Lvl 4: 1-2 Legless Rope Climbs
*Lvl 5: 1-2 LLRC; Hand-over-Hand Legless Lower
8 Rounds for Time (8:00 Cap)
-3 Barbell Complexes* 115/85lb
*1 rep = 1 thruster + 2 shoulder-to-overhead
-3 Bar Hop / Burpee Complexes**
**1 rep = 1 burpee over bar + 2 bar hops
“Crawl 4 Candy”
Partner WOD
For Time
-200ft Walking Lunge (Both)
-4mi AirBike; split as desired
-200ft Bear Crawl (Both)
-2000m Row; split as desired
*the partner who finishes the lunge or crawl first can begin work on an erg while teammate is still working
*compare to 10.31.22
EMOM 10:00: 2 Hang Squat Clean
*start light, end moderate (RPE 7/10)
EMOM 10:00: 3 Touch-N-Go Push Press
*start light, end moderate (RPE 7/10)
For Time // 15-12-9
-Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95lb
-Dumbbell Squats 50/35’s
*Rx+ 70/50’s, 185/125lb
*15:00 Cap
“Presidential Sweet”
(Repeat of Workout 53)
For Time (14:00 Cap)
-5 Snatch 185/125lb
-10 Bar Muscle-Up
-20 Box Jump 24/20″
-100 Double Unders
-20 Box Jump 24/20″
-10 Bar Muscle-Up
-5 Snatch* 185/125lb
*or 85%, whichever is less
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-400 Single Unders
-50 Hanging Knee Raises
-60 Banded Lat Row
-70 Calorie Bike; choice
-80 Hollow Rocks
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.