Every 2:00 x 6 Sets:
-Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat
*start at 70% and build to heavy
Every 2:00 x 6 Sets:
-3 Back Squat
*start at 70% and build to heavy
AMRAP 4:00
-9 Strict Toes-over-Hips
-12 Overhead Reverse Lunge*
-15 Bar-Facing Burpees
*115/85 (or) 75% of Heaviest Snatch Complex
1) 12s Max Chest-to-Bar
2) 15s Max Hand-Release Push-Ups
AMRAP 14:00
-4 Strict Pull-Ups
-3 Broad Jumps 6/4ft
-2 Wall Walks
Every 3:00 x 10 Sets:
-5 Deadlift 225/155lb
-10 Russian KB Swings 70/53lb
-Max* Row Cals, Until 1:30 Mark
*start at 60% effort and improve your score each interval, ending at a tough pace
(pick weights that allow you to stay unbroken for all 10 sets)
[15:00 Clock]
-20 Banded Hamstring Curls
-20ft Slow Bear Crawl
-20s Sorenson Hold
-5 Bottoms-Up KB Press / side
-5 External Rotations / arm – 2.5lb
1) 3 Box Jump; landing high
2) 6 Switch Lunges; for height
EMOM 8: 4 Strict Press
*start at RPE 5 and build to RPE 7.5-8
EMOM 8: 3 Push Jerks
*start at ending wt from presses, and build to heavy
*this will be your recorded strength metric
1) 30s Max Double Unders
2) 30s Max Rope Climbs
[18:00 Clock]
Power Clean + 2 Front Squat: Build to Heavy
4 Sets: (rest 4:00 b/w)
AMRAP 2:00 @ High Effort
-15 Front Squat 95/65lb
-15/12 Calorie AirBike
-15 Burpee Box Get Over 24/20″
Partner WOD
(split work as desired)
For Time
-60/45 Calorie AirBike
-45 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead 50/35lb per hand
-45 Box Jumps 24/20″
-60 DB Box Step-Up 50/35lb per Hand
-45 Box Jumps 24/20″
-45 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead 50/35lb per hand
-60/45 Calorie AirBike
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-50 PVC Dislocates
-50 Scap Pull-Ups
-50 Hip Extensions
-50 Hollow Rocks
-50 Ring Rows
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of the movement which are appropriate for you, allowing your to maximizing your workout and long-term progress.