Every 3:00 x 6 Sets:
-2 Back Squat; 4s lower
-6 Goblet Squat; 1s pause
*keep back squats moderate
*push weight on goblet squats
“2-2-2-3 Intervals”
(rest 60s b/w)
-7 Burpee Box Get Over 24/20″
-7 Shuttle Run (50ft)
-Max Pull-Up Variation*
*Until X Reps (time) or End of Fourth Interval (score)
Scaled = 60 Ring Row
Rx = 45 Ring Pull-Up
Rx+ = 30 Ring Muscle-Up
Every 2:00 x 5 Sets:
-Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
Every 2:00 x 5 Sets:
-4 Snatch Grip Deadlifts; moderate
-4/4 Kettlebell Hang Snatch; moderate
3 Rounds for Time
-11 Squat Clean 95/65lb
-11 American KB Swings 70/53lb
For Time @ 70% Effort (12:00 Cap)
-100/80 Calorie Row
-40 Strict Toes-over-Hips
-30 Goblet Weighted Step-Ups 24/20″ 53/35lb
Every 5:00 x 4 Sets:
-50/40 Calorie Row
*during rest: 10 Heavy DB Bent Row / arm
For Time @ 70% Effort (12:00 Cap)
-30 Goblet Weighted Reverse Lunge 53/35lb
-40 Alternating V-Ups
-85/65 Calorie AirBike
1) 6-8 Lat Pull Down
2) 6-8 DB Incline Bench Press
1) 6-8 Landmine Twists / side
2) 30s of Drag Sled Face Pulls
1) 10-15 Hip Extension on GHD
2) 5-8 AbWheel Rollout
1) 40s SkiErg
2) 40s BikeErg
Every 2:00 x 7 Sets: 5 Zercher Good Morning
Every 2:00 x 7 Sets: 5 Front Squats; light to moderate (RPE 6)
AMRAP 6:46
-4 Alternating Devil’s Press 50/35lb
-8 Dual DB Deadlift 50/35’s
-12 Double Unders
say hello to your workout clock
[10:00 Clock]
Find Heavy Complex
-Power Clean + Squat Clean + Thruster + Jerk
“Angry Birds”
(Partner WOD, Alternate Every Rep)
AMRAP 4:00: BB Complexes* 135/95lb
*power clean + squat clean + thruster + jerk
AMRAP 4:00: Burpee Pull-Ups
AMRAP 4:00: DB Box Step-Ups 50/35’s to 24/20″
AMRAP 4:00: Shuttle Runs (2x50ft=1)
{rest 1:00 b/w amraps}
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-2:00 Ring Support Hold
-2:00 Chin-over-Bar Hold
-30 ATG Split Squat (split)
-30 Clamshell Raises (split)
-30 Tabletop Glute Bridges
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.