EMOM 8: Power Snatch + Squat Snatch
*form-focused loading (~60-65%)
EMOM 8: Squat Clean + Split Jerk
*form-focused loading (~65-70%)
Every 4:00 x 3 Sets:
-10 Back Squat 135/95lb
-Max Calorie AirBike, Until 1:00 Mark
1) 15s Max Strict Ring Pull-Ups
2) 20s Max Bench Dips*
*Rx+ Low Ring Dips
AMRAP 12:00
-3 Wall Walks
-15 American KB Swings 70/53lb
-100ft KB Suitcase Carry 70/53lb (50′ L + 50′ R)
Every 4:00 x 7 Sets:
-Deadlift 185/125lb
-Bar-Facing Burpee
-Max* Row Calories, Until 2:00 Mark
*start at 60% effort and improve your score each interval, ending at a tough pace
[15:00 Clock]
-15 Banded Lat Pullover in Hollow Hold
-15ft Slow Bear Crawl
-10 GHD Hip Extensions
-10 External Rotations / arm – 2.5lb
AMRAP 10:00
-10…20…30… Double Under
-1…2…3… Rope Climb
-10…10…10… Step-Ups 24/20″
“The Blade”
10:00 Max AirBike Calories
1) 4 Broad Jump
2) 5 Power Snatch; empty bar
3) 6 Ice Skater Jumps
“Oly Total”
(Snatch + Clean & Jerk)
For Total Load
Tabata Hanging Knee Raises
“12 Days of Christmas”
– 1 Shuttle Run Lap (2x50ft)
– 2 Single Arm Thrusters 50/35lb
– 3 Burpee Lateral over DB
– 4 Single Arm Devil’s Press 50/35lb
– 5 V-Ups
– 6 Box Step-Up 24/20″
– 7 Ring Rows
– 8 Cossack Squats
– 9 Double Unders
– 10 Calorie Row
– 11 Russian KB Swings 70/53lb
– 12 Toes-to-Bar
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-90s GHD Sit-Up Hold at Parallel
-80 Banded Face Pulls
-70 Seated Banded Hamstring Curls
-60 Tabletop Glute Bridge
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movement which are appropriate for you, allowing your to maximizing your workout and long-term progress.