[4 Sets: Go at 0,2,5,9:00]
-6 Deadlift
*start moderate, build heavy (RPE 9)
“Mariana Trench”
For Time (18:00 Cap)
-12 Rope Climbs* 12ft
-24 Burpee Broad Jump 4ft
-36 Ring Dips*
-48 Pistol Squats
*Rx+ = 10/8 Legless, At Top of High Rings
(9:00am Class Only)
“12 Days of Christmas”
For Time (Partner WOD)
*Alternate Working Partner Every 30s*
-1 Complex* 115/85lb
-2 DB Burpee Box Step Over 20″ 50/35’s
-3 Strict Pull-Ups**
-4 Wall Walks
-5 DB Devil’s Press 50/35’s
-6 V-Ups
-7 DB Thrusters 50/35’s
-8 Toes-to-Bar
-9 Box Jump, Step Down 24/20″
-10 Front Squat 115/85lb
-11 Sit-to-Stand; Feet-Anchored
-12 Shuttle Runs (2x25ft=1)
*3 Power Clean + 3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
**Rx+ = 155/105 for complex, BMU for sPU
[At Home Workout]
EMOM 21:00 – for total reps
1) 30s Max Push-Ups
2) 30s Max Single Leg V-Ups
3) 30s Max No Push-Up Burpee
5 Continuous Rounds
-2:00 Row
-2:00 Bike
*complete @ 60% effort / unscored*
2 Rounds
-2:00 Max Overhead Squat* 95/65lb
-Rest 1:00-
-2:00 Max Wall Walk*
-Rest 1:00-
-2:00 Max Toes-to-Bar
-Rest 1:00-
*must complete 10/7 Calories on any erg during rest
*score is total reps (ergs not scored)
*Rx+ = 115/85lb, 12ft Handstand Walk
-8 Choice Sit-Ups
-12/10 Calorie Erg; easy
-8 RDL; empty bar
-50 Speed Steps
-8 Muscle-Up Ring Row
-8/6 Calorie Erg; fast
-8 KB Turkish Getup Sit-Up / arm
-4 Box Jumps; Tough Height
-8 Strict Toes-to-Bar
EMOM 24:00
1) X Power Clean + 1 Front Squat
2) X Strict Pull-Up**
3) X Bench Press
*3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1 Respectively
*start light, end heavy (no misses)
**add weight or reduce assistance
(Open Gym Workout)
“Deviled Eggs”
For Time (13:00 Cap)
Complete work as Desired…
-30 Bar Muscle-Up
-30 Double Dumbbell Snatch 50/35’s
-300 Double Unders
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-2k SkiErg @ Cruise Pace
-500 Single Unders
-1:30 GHD Sit-Up Hold at Parallel
-50 Calf Raise; 1s pause at top & bottom
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.