Every 2:30 x 5 Sets:
-3 Front Squat + 5 Back Squat
Open Workout 23.1 / 14.4
AMRAP 14:00
-60 Calorie Row
-50 Toes-to-Bars
-40 Wall Ball 20/14lb, 10/9ft
-30 Cleans 135/95lbs
-20 Ring Muscle-Ups*
*scale to your toughest pulling variation
(9:00am Class Only)
Every 3:00 x 3 Sets:
-50s Max DB Bench Press 50/35’s
“Death, Taxes & Burpees”
(Team of 3 Workout)
[At 0:00]
EMOM 9:00
1) 15/12 Calorie AirBike
2) Max Burpee Box Get Over 24/20″
3) Rest
[At 10:00]
EMOM 9:00
1) 12 Length Shuttle Run (25ft=1)
2) Max Burpee Bench Get Over
3) Rest
*each partner starts at a station and rotates through in order
*score is combined burpees
[At Home Workout]
AMRAP 15:00
-42 Back Step Lunge
-30 Plank Up-Downs
-18 Russian Twists*
*1 rep: right + left touch
[10:00 Clock]
Attempts at Transversing The Rig
“Tuck That!” (Partner Workout)
(2024 Combine Event 2 – Extended)
For Time (15:00 Cap)
-54 KB Goblet Lunge (Both) 70/53lb
-65/54 Calorie Row* (Split)
-65 Synchro A Jumps 12″
*in order to pull, partner must be holding a tuck hold
[15:00 Clock]
-250m Row
-50ft Bear Crawl
-15 Hollow Rocks
-50ft Walking Lunges
“Lumberjack Total”
For Combined Load
(Power Clean, Bench Press, Weighted Strict Pull-Up)
(Open Gym Workout)
“Pounds Stone”
AMRAP 14:00
-14 Dumbbell Snatch 50/35lb
-14 Dumbbell Overhead Squat 50/35lb
-14 Box Jumps 24/20″
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-3:00 Sorenson Hold
-2:00 Side Plank / side
-1:00 GHD Hold at Parallel
-50 Banded Face Pulls
-50 Band Pull Aparts
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.