Every 3:00 x 6 Sets:
-6 Overhead Squats; build across
-Max Burpee Pull-Up, Until 60s Mark
AMRAP 8:00
-KB Power Clean* 53/35’s
-Handstand Push-Up
*KBs must touch the ground each rep
AMRAP 35:00 @ 60-70% Effort
-200m Row
-8 Burpee Step-Ups 24/20″
-8 DB Farmers Carry 50/35’s (25ft=1)
-200m Row
-8 Burpee Step-Ups 24/20″
-3 Walking Lunge Lengths (25ft=1)
Tabata Side Plank
1) 10 DB Thrusters; unbroken yet heavy
2) 25s Max Wall Walk
AMRAP 12:00
-3 Rope Climb
-9 Shuttle Run (2x25ft=1)
-21 Air Squat
*Rx+ perform in weight vest
Banded External Rotation (3 x 12ea)
AMRAP 22:00
-8 Half-Kneeling Landmine Press / arm
-8 KB Suitcase Deadlift / arm
-8 Banded Cross Body Chop / side
-4 Box Step Down / leg (24″) 3s lower
1) 8 KB RDL @40×0
2) 6 KB Goblet Squat @33×1
3) 6 KB Bent Row / arm
AMRAP 12:00 @ 80% Effort
(Complete Alternating with Partner)
-14/12 Calorie Row
-10/8 Calorie AirBike
*partner walks during rest
Every 2:00 x 6 Sets:
-4 TnG Clean & Jerk
“Mug Shot”
7 Rounds for Time
-8 Toes-to-Bar
-16 Calorie Row
-32 Double Under
“Mano A Mano”
AMRAP 3:00: Alternating DB Clean & Jerk 50/35lb
(Rest 3:00)
AMRAP 3:00: Broad Jumps 6/4ft
(Rest 3:00)
AMRAP 3:00: Row Calories
(Rest 3:00)
AMRAP 3:00: KB Snatch 53/35lb
(Rest 3:00)
AMRAP 3:00: AirBike Calories
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-1:30 Single Leg Sorenson Hold / side
-1:30 Star Side Plank / side
-1:30 Ring Support Hold
-1:30 Handstand Hold; Against Wall
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movement which are appropriate for you, allowing your to maximizing your workout and long-term progress.