Every 3:00 x 8 Sets:
-2 Overhead Squats; build across
-Max Toes-to-Bar, Until 50s Mark
AMRAP 7:00
-Power Clean 185/125lb
-Bar-Facing Burpee
AMRAP 45:00 @ 50-60% Effort
-30/20 Calorie AirBike
-30 Alternating Step-Ups 24/20″
-100 Single Unders
-30/20 Calorie Row
-20 AbMat Sit-Ups
-100 Single Unders
Every 2:30 x 5 Sets:
-10 Thrusters
*start moderate & build to heavy set
*from the rack
4 Rounds for Time
-2 Wall Walk
-4 Bench Press 155/95lb
-6 Strict Pull-Ups
-8 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
AMRAP 20:00
-25′ DB Bear Crawl 25/15’s
-20 Seated Banded Hamstring Curls
-15s Handstand Hold
-10 Seated L-Sit Raises
-5 Rope Pull-to-Stand
-Snatch Pull to Hip + Snatch + Overhead Squat
*empty bar or very light, form-focused loading
2 Rounds
-AMRAP 2:00: Ring Row
-Rest 1:00-
-AMRAP 2:00: Russian KB Swings 53/35lb
-Rest 1:00-
-AMRAP 2:00: AirBike Calories
-Rest 1:00-
Find 1 Rep Max
(i) Snatch
(ii) Clean & Jerk
(iii) Back Squat
(iv) Bench Press
(v) Deadlift
*an athlete’s snatch and clean & jerk may
be used for the “Oly Total” leaderboard
“Runner’s World”
(Team of 3 WOD)
AMRAP 30:00
-Run Laps (150m)
-Rope Climbs
*work is completed relay style where each person completes 1 lap or 1 rope climb, then the other partners go.
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-50 Back-to-Wall Tib Raise
-50 Calf Raises; 1s pause at bottom
-50 Banded Good AM; 4s lower
-50 ATG Split Squat (split); 4s lower
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movement which are appropriate for you, allowing your to maximizing your workout and long-term progress.