Every 3:00 x 5 Sets:
-8 Overhead Squats; build across
-Max Pull-Ups, Until 50s Mark
AMRAP 9:00
-3 Power Clean 155/105lb
-3 Box Clear Over 20″ (M&F)
AMRAP 30:00 @ 60-70% Effort
-20/15 Calorie AirBike
-50ft Walking Lunges
-20 Push-Up + Alternating Toe-Touch
-20/15 Calorie Row
-50 Single Unders
-20 AbMat Sit-Ups
Tabata Alt DB Bicep Curls
Every 2:00 x 8 Sets:
-8 Thrusters; unbroken yet heavy
-8 Burpee to 12″ Target
(Partner WOD – “You Go, I Go”)
10 Rounds for Time (5 Each)
-6 Bench Press 165/105lb
-6 Strict Pull-Ups
AMRAP 22:00
-15s Ring Support Hold
-15 Calf Raises; off plate
-15 Banded Face Pulls
-10 Hip Extensions on GHD
-10 Down-Dog to Up-Dog (2s each)
-10 Tabletop Glute Bridge
1) 7 RDL @40×1
2) 6 Front Squat @42×1
3) 5 Barbell Bent Over Row @30×1
*use a single bar loaded to 40-50% of FS
EMOM 12 @ 70-80% Effort
1) 40s AirBike @ Strong Pace
2) Walk as Rest
Every 75s x 6 Sets:
-3 TnG Clean & Jerk
Every 75s x 6 Sets:
-1 Clean & Jerk
Every 8 Minutes x 3 Sets:
For Time // 12-9-6
-KB Ground-to-Overhead 70/53lb
-Bar-Facing Burpee
(4:00 Cap on Each Set)
*scale load and/or reps with the goal to finish prior to the cap
*score in combined time (or reps if capped)
Every 90s x 7 Sets:
-3 Hang Power Snatch
Partner “Andi”
For Time (Split as Desired)
100 Hang Power Snatches 65/45lb
100 Push Presses 65/45lb
100 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 65/45lb
100 Front Squats 65/45lb
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-40 Banded External Rotation / arm
-40 Banded External Rotation; elbow-by-side / arm
-40s Single Arm High Plank Hold / side
-40s Side Plank / side
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movement which are appropriate for you, allowing your to maximizing your workout and long-term progress.