EMOM 9:00
1) 45s Row @ Cruise Pace
2) 35s American KB Swings
3) 25s KB Goblet Squats
“Fool’s Gold”
15:00 Row for Distance
*At 0,3,6,9,12:00 Marks complete…
-3 Heavy Touch-N-Go Deadlifts
(score 1 = row distance)
(score 2 = deadlift weight)
[20:00 Clock]
-10 Back-to-Wall Tib Raise
-25ft Knee-Banded March / way
-8 Side-Lying External Rotations / arm; 5lb
-15 KB Oblique Side Bend / arm
Every 2:00 x 6 Sets:
-4 Overhead Squats; 4s lower
AMRAP 20:00
-400m Run
-Max Unbroken Pull-Ups
(score 1 = run total – 400m = 1)
(score 2 = pull-up total)
*compare to 7.28.23
[15:00 Clock]
Choice Skill Practice
*challenge mvmt: inverted burpee
Strict Press (10,8,6,4,2)
*go every 2:30
*increase load each set
AMRAP 8:00
-8 Inchworm Planks
-8 Alternating V-Ups
-8 Push-Ups
-8 Alternating V-Ups
10:00 Choice Machine @ Nasal Cap
*same erg the entire duration
Find Heavy Pause Front Squat
EMOM 10:00: 1 Back Squat; 5s lower – RPE 8
10:00 Choice Machine @ Nasal Cap
*same erg the entire duration
EMOM 21:00
1) 2-3 Strict Pull-Up
2) 5-7 Strict Toes-over-Hips
3) 5-7 DB Push Press
*Rx+ Strict Muscle-Up, Strict TTB, Wall-Facing HSPU
“Counting Calories”
For Total Reps
AirBike for Calories
Pogo Burpees
AirBike for Calories
“Open Gym”
For Time (Partition as Desired)
-75 DB Snatch 50/35lb
-120 Wall Balls 20/14lb, 10/9ft
-325 Double Unders
*there is no class today & open gym will
end at 9am when the powerlifting meet begins
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-30 Pausing Cossack Squats
-40 Good Morning; empty bar
-50 Back-to-Wall Tib Raise
-60 Banded Lat Row – 4s return
-70 Calf Raises; Off Plate
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.