1) 8 KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge
2) 8 KB Front Squat
3) 8 KB Push Press
*moderately heavy for all, use the same pair of KBs for each minute
For Time (20:00 Cap)
-100 KB Suitcase Deadlift 53/35lb
-80 Wall Ball 20/14lb, 10/9ft
-60 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull 53/35lb
-40 Toes-to-Bar
-20 KB Shoulder-to-Overhead 53/35lb
Every 90s x 10 Sets: (5 Each)
1) 20s Max Jumping Rope Pull-Ups*
2) 20s Max AirBike Calories
*Rx+ = knuckles to chest
AMRAP 15:00
Buy-In: 100 AbMat Sit-Ups
-6 Hang Power Clean 115/85lb
-6 Barbell Hops
-6 Push-Up + Alternating Toe-Touch
-6 Barbell Hops
Every 3:00 x 6 Sets:
-5 Back Squat
*start at 70% and build to heavy
“Diane” (12:00 Cap)
For Time // 21-15-9
-Deadlift 225/155lb
-Handstand Push-Up
*scale 1 = 185/125lb, hand release push-up
*scale 2 = 135/85lb, band-assisted push-ups
3 Rounds for Quality
-30 Seated Banded Hamstring Curls
-20-30s GHD Sit-Up Hold at Parallel
-10 Side Plank Raise / side
Row; Nasal Breathing Only
20:00 Clock @ Conversational Pace
-15s Static Lunge / side
-15 Bottom Half Only Air Squat
-15 Scap Pull-Ups
-15 Scap Push-Ups
-54ft Suitcase Carry / arm 53/35lb
1) 3 Push Jerk; from the rack
2) 15s Push-Up Variation*
*WF HSPU, Kipping HSPU, Hand-Release, Band-Assisted
Every 5:00 x 5 Sets:
AMRAP 2:30
-8 DB Bent Over Row 50/35lb
-8 DB Hang Snatch 50/35lb
-8 DB Box Step-Ups 50/35lb, 24/20″
(during rest, walk 150m)
*Rx+ = double dumbbell
*your lowest set score is recorded
Team Throwdown
(Teams of 3)
4 Rounds for Time
-10 Shuttle Runs (2x25ft=1)
-15 Russian KB Swing 53/35lb
-10 Pogo Burpees
-1.5 Mile AirBike*
*one person works at a time
(other work is done as an individual)
(teammates MAY work ahead)
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-1:30 Dead Hang
-1:30 Tabletop Glute Bridge Hold
-1:30 Sorenson Hold; Hugging Medball
-10 TGU / arm; moderate
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.