[15:00 Clock]
Clean + 3 Front Squats
2 Rounds for Time (20:00 Cap)
-800m Run
-24 Toes-to-Bar
-16 KB Thrusters 70/53’s
*first scale the volume
*then scale variation & load
1) 5 Deadlift; 4s lower – tough weight
2) Choice Skill Practice
3) AMRAP-2 Strict Pull-Ups*
*pick a variation you can get at least 5 reps
Partner WOD
12:00 AirBike for Calories
*in order for one partner to work, the other must be hanging from a pull-up bar
Every 2:30 x 8 Sets:
-6 Strict Press; RPE 7
-12 Banded Face Pulls
AMRAP 13:00
-3 Wall Walk
-6 Alternating Pistols
-11/9 Row Calories
Every 2:30 x 6 Sets: 4 Back Squat; 5s lower
2 Sets: (rest 4:00 b/w)
AMRAP 8:00 @ 60 & 80% Respectively
-16 Calorie AirBike
-8 Russian KB Swings 70/53lb
-1 Rope Climb
*after each set, walk 150m
Every 1:15 x 12 Sets: 2 Power Snatch
*start light & build to moderate (RPE 7)
“Speed Wobbles”
6 Rounds for Time
-4 Overhead Squat 155/105lb
-44 Double Unders
-Rest 60s-
*scale to a weight you can perform the overhead squats in a single set
*scale double unders to 66 singles
Every 2:00 x 6 Sets: 3 Push Press
“Partner Chief”
(You Go, I Go)
AMRAP 19:00
-3 Power Cleans 135/95lb
-6 Push-Ups
-9 Air Squats
*partners switch after each full round
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-1:30 Single Leg Sorenson Hold / side
-1:30 Star Side Plank / side
-1:30 Ring Support Hold
-1:30 Handstand Hold; Against Wall
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.