Every 2:00 x 5 Sets:
-1.1.1 Power Clean & Push Jerk
“Paul Bunyan”
10 Rounds for Time
-160m Run
-3 Clean & Jerk 185/125lb
*compare to 5.26.23
[10:00 Clock]
-10 Alternating Lizards
-6 Alternating Bird Dogs
-20s Banded Supine Hamstring Stretch / side
-10 Tabletop Glute Bridge
-6 DB Pec Flys; light
-3 Forward Shoulder CARs / side
“More Cowbell”
[40:00 Clock]
Score 1: 5k Row for Time (Partner)
Score 2: Max Bench Press (Individual)
Deadlift (5,4,3,2,1,1,1)
*every 2:00 x 7 sets
[10:00 Clock]
Find 3RM Strict Pull-Up
*for weight (or) least assistance
*compare to 10.15.22
Every 3:00 x 5 Sets:
-8 Burpee Box Jump Over; Lateral 24/20″
-Max Calorie AirBike, Until 1:15 Mark
*complete 30 russian twists (L+R=1) at any point during rest
Every 1:30 x 8 Sets:
-1 DB Squat Clean + 3 DB Squats
[12:00 Clock]
Skill Practice: Athlete’s Choice
*see spreadsheet*
3 Lap KB Overhead Carry 53/35lb
*single arm, switch as needed
Every 1:30 x 8 Sets:
-4-7 Strict Pulling Reps
*options: Wtd or Assisted Pull-Ups, Ring Rows, Bent Row, Single Arm Rows (alt sides), Jumping Pull-Ups, Pull-Ups on Climbing Rope
1) 4 Broad Jump
2) 5 Power Snatch; empty bar
3) 6 Ice Skater Jumps
“Oly Total”
(Snatch + Clean & Jerk)
For Total Load
*compare to 12.23.22
Tabata Hanging Knee Raises
“Ol’ Giza”
Partner WOD
(Split Work As Desired)
For Time
-20 Burpee Box Get Over 40″
-30 Chest-to-Bar
-50 DB Snatch 50/35lb
-70 Calorie Row*
-50 DB Snatch 50/35lb
-30 Chest-to-Bar
-20 Burpee Box Get Over 40″
*subtrack 5 per F on team
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-3k BikeErg (or) 1.5k SkiErg
-3:00 Sorenson Hold
-3:00 High Plank Hold
-300ft Suitcase Carry; moderate (split)
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.