Every 3:00 x 6 Sets:
-Clean + Jerk + Hang Clean + Jerk*
-1 Tough Set of Strict Pull-Ups
*start moderate & build to RPE 8.5
Every 6:00 x 4 Sets:
AMRAP 3:00
-6 Front Squat 115/85lb
-6 Bar-Facing Burpee
-9/6 Calorie AirBike
*walk 150m during rest
*worst set scored
Tabata Banded Bicep Curls
15:00 Bike (or) Row @ Nasal Cap
Every 2:30 x 6 Sets:
-5,5,4,4,3,3 Push Press
*start moderate, ending heavy
1) AirBike
2) Row
3) Shuttle Run
*first 3 rounds (9min) at nasal cap, then open up the throttle
Every 3:00 x 8 Sets: 3 Front Squat; 4s lower
AMRAP 10:00: DB Shoulder-to-Overhead 50/35’s*
-Every 2:00 (+0:00): 30 Double Unders**
*each time you pick up the DBs, you must perform a squat clean
*Rx+ = 60/40lb
**cap at 30s mark of each min
**scale to 50 single unders (cap at 30s mark)
Banded External Rotation; Elbow-by-Side (4 x 8-10ea)
“Chef’s Choice”
AMRAP 60:00: Row & AirBike
*switch ergs every 10 minutes
*score is total calories
Every 1:30 x 7 Sets:
-3 Hang Snatch
5 Rounds for Time
-400m Run
-30 Box Jump 24/20″
-30 Wall Balls 20/14lb, 10/9′
*if you scale the box jump height, you will perform 4 rounds
Partner “Linda”
For Time (25:00 Cap)
{Split Reps}
-Deadlift 275/175lb
-DB Bench Press 70/50’s
-Squat Clean 145/105lb
At Any Point This Week
Accumulate; as you see fit
-2:00 Tuck Hold
-50 Banded Pallof Press / side
-2:00 Sorenson Hold
-50 Tabletop Glute Bridge
Please keep in mind that your coach will help you adjust the workout to variations of movements which are appropriate for you, allowing you to maximize your workout and long-term progress.