Our coaches have heard this phrase all too often from CrossFit newcomers to people who are apprehensive about getting started with our classes for the first time.
They see the workouts on the website or one of our members lifting weights on social media and the negative thoughts come flooding in.
More or less it’s a feeling of, “Do I even belong here?”
In short, yes.
And while it’s completely possible that down the road you surprise yourself and lift a weight you never thought you would or start doing movements that seem impossible now, I get that maybe it isn’t helpful at the moment.
What you need to do is get started under the guidance of a coach who knows how to scale.
What’s Scaling?
Scaling is adjusting the workout so each person gets the right “stimulus.”
That’s coach jargon for saying, we want each member to feel like they got a similar workout.
So here’s an example of scaling at work.
The “prescribed” workout was…
As Many Round as Possible for 20:00 of…
-6 Toes-to-Bar
-6 Single Leg Squats
-60 Double Unders
Our coaches had most of our members scale the workout to…
As Many Round as Possible for 20:00 of…
-6 Hanging Knee Raises
-6 Ring-Assisted Single Leg Squats
-60 Single Unders
So while the advanced athletes were challenging themselves doing the workout “as prescribed” the majority of members were scaling some or all of the movements to easier variations, which allowed them to get a similarly challenging workout for their current ability level.
Scaling is just one job of our coaches.
They are also leading warm-ups, teaching technique, encouraging members, and managing the clock to keep the class timeline on track.
After all, it’s our coaches that set us apart.
And when you get started with us, our entire staff is committed to helping you get to your goals.