pre·req·ui·site: a thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist.
In layman’s terms, it would be wise to have X level of strength before making concerted efforts to attempt or learn Y movement.
Note: This list does NOT refer to an optimal level of strength to complete each movement, NOR does it represent a level that will allow all athletes to successful complete the movements; let it simply serve as a guide to when to begin the process of developing a new skill.
Movement | Prerequisite
Wall Walks | 60s High Plank Hold | |
Pistol Squats | Back Squat 150% of Bodyweight | |
Strict Handstand Push-Up | Strict Press 70% of Bodyweight | |
Kipping Pull-Ups | 1 Strict Pull-Up | |
Kipping Toes-to-Bar | 60s Hang from Pull-Up Bar | |
Kipping Handstand Push-Ups | 1 Strict Handstand Push-Up | |
Kipping Ring Dips | 5 Strict Ring Dips | |
Handstand Walks | 3 Strict Handstand Push-Ups | |
Rope Climb with Legs | 2 Strict Pull-Ups | |
Bar Muscle-Up | 5 Strict Pull-Ups, Wtd. Pull-Up 25% of Bodyweight | |
Ring Muscle-Up | 5 Strict Pull-Ups, 5 Strict Ring Dips, Wtd. Pull-Up 25% of Bw | |
Legless Rope Climbs | 7 Strict Pull-Ups, Wtd. Pull-Up 30+% of Bodyweight |
Why Prerequisites?
Because before you have developed a minimal level of strength you’re opening yourself up for a much greater probability of injury.
Furthermore, your time & resources spent learning whatever skill is better spent on developing strength in controlled settings.
Do some people ignore or skip these prerequisites?
Yes, of course.
However, their progress will likely stall or be halted early and they will be forced to revisit the steps they once skipped.